Monday, August 16, 2010



My name is Erik. This blog will be a concrete collection of my adventures with nordophilia, a passion for the nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark). I'll mainly be discussing my trials and tribulations with learning the Swedish language and on becoming a student of Scandinavian studies.

I've been teaching myself Swedish for the past year and have scattered notes and logs laying about in various notebooks and journals that I have lying around. If you can't tell, I'm pretty unorganized. I'm currently an English major at a school that does not offer Scandinavian studies. Well, kind of a student. I'm taking a small bit of time off. Though, should things move smoothely, I'll be back soon to finish gen. ed. requirements then transferring to a school where I can major in Scand. studies. But I digress...

We'll start things off with food.

So, enjoy, relate, etc.

Tack så mycket,

Note: by nordophilia I don't mean being sexually aroused by people from the northern countries. It's the whole country that turns me on.

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